Your 7 Day Guide to Peeling in the Summer Time

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If you’re asking yourself if you should get a peel in the summer time… the answer is always YES!

We are advocates for getting a peel every season and that absolutely means during the summer. Check out our recent blog here to find out the five reasons why you should get a VI Peel in the summer time.

You can live your life normally with our painless VI Peels but we understand that some people may not want to show their shedding skin to the world during the heavy peeling days (day 3-5). If you are one of those people, don’t worry! There are a ton of fun things to do inside throughout the peeling process. Here is a quick 7 day guide of what to expect with your peel as well as our suggestions of what to do while peeling in the summer time.


Day 1: Application Day

After the VI Peel is applied, you will have a sun kissed tint.

Today is a great day to run all the errands you would normally run but don’t forget to take a few extra stops to gather some fun things to do while you spend your time indoors. We suggest grabbing some ingredients from the grocery store to try out that recipe you have been eyeing. Maybe, pick up craft supplies for a DIY project you found on Pinterest. Don’t forget to grab a few Sudoku books, magazines, a book or plan on purchasing a new App from the App store!

VI Peel Pro Tip: Be sure to wear a hat and sunglasses, avoiding direct sun exposure while the peel is working its magic.

Please be sure to follow the instructions provided in the Post Peel Kit or as instructed by your VI Practitioner.


Day 2: Tight Face but Looking Just Fine!

The skin will be tightening around your face but the peeling process will likely not have begun.

We think it is a great idea to host a potluck at your house once the sun is down with your family and friends! It’s perrrrfect because it is a fun social gathering where you don’t have to do all the work!! Make it easy – take on the role of salad. Your excuse for picking the easiest one is that you can’t be sitting over a hot stove for the next 7 days.  We think a Caprese Salad will be refreshingly delicious in the summer’s heat. If you need other recommendations, check out some of our other favorite cold recipes here.

After the night has ended, all that chatting will do your skin some good and will start kicking the peeling process in gear.


 Day 3: Starting to Peel

You are likely to start peeling around the mouth area. It’s nothing to be ashamed of but if you want to be a hermit here are some fun indoorsy things to do.

Time to be straight up lazy today! You can finally accomplish all those leisurely things you have put on hold for a while. Go ahead, buy that book on your Kindle wishlist. Or, maybe reading isn’t your forte so why not binge on a series you keep hearing about. If you’re needing some recommendations, we currently love Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Shameless or you can catch up on this season of The Bachelorette!  

VI Peel Pro Tip: Don’t pick at your skin!! Washing your face with the VI Derm Cleanser naturally remove some skin. You can use a pair of mini scissors to help cut off the peeled skin but be careful.


Day 4: Happy Peeling!

You will likely be peeling heavily, especially around the nose and mouth area. Today your plan is to have no plans.

It’s likely the weekend so you have some time to prep a fantastic meal for yourself or your family. You know, the meals that you slow roast or leave in a crockpot for a long time. It could be Christmas in July with a Pot Roast or live it up in the summer time with some Texas Chili and cornbread. While waiting, go ahead and continue binging on the Netflix series you chose to start yesterday.

Please note that it is important to keep your face away from hot steam and since you are still peeling.

VI Peel Pro Tip: Make sure to apply VI Derm Post Peel Protectant up to 3 times a day, at the least.


Day 5: Still Peeling but Totally Manageable

The peeling process is starting to subside and is less noticeable in places like on your outward cheeks and over your forehead.

We get it, being inside all the time can make you get restless and go a little bit stir crazy. We encourage those who want to go outside to just do it! Your friends and family won’t care. Go out and have a nice brunch, drink a mimosa and have good conversations. Just be sure to keep our SPF 50+ on hand to reapply every few hours.

If you still want to live up the hermit life, go ahead and have a relaxing at-home spa day.  Light candles or diffuse essential oils, put on a hair mask, paint your toenails and then slip into some rest and relaxation with Sudoku or a guilty-pleasure magazine or app.


Day 6: Peeling is Basically Done

There is a little peeling left to go around the outer face and you may have started to peel on your neck.

Life pretty much goes back to normal on this day. You can get back into the groove at work or finally go get all those errands done you have been putting off for the past few days. Go ahead, call up your girlfriends and say you are still alive and want to do lunch.

VI Peel Pro Tip: Be sure to be diligent about applying SPF 50+ throughout the day. Your fresh new skin is still very sensitive and needs to be protected.


Day 7: You Look Gorgeous!

Congratulations! You have made it to Day 7 and you look amazing!

Today, your skin is going to glow and everyone is going to notice! Life will be completely back to normal and you can do whatever you please – like going back to your typical VI Derm skincare routine. Your skin will look radiant everywhere you go and it is the perfect time to show off.


We hope this guide will help you through the peeling process during the summer time. There are plenty of things you can do inside during your stages of heavy peeling. And, on a positive note, a whole week without sun will be great for your skin. After 7 days has passed after your last peel day, you can go back hanging around the pool or beach – just be sure to wear SPF!!

VI Peel Pro Tip: Prolong your results and prevent future damage by always practicing safe sun! 


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