Acne Myths BUSTED

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Acne sucks! We all have been through it, and some of us are still suffering through it. We know what it’s like to sit on Google for HOURS trying to find remedies to cure acne. But, how do we know which remedies are myth and which are fact? We came up with a list of 6 of the most common myths that we’ve heard  followed by the real truth.


Acne is just a teenager problem

Acne can occur during your teenage years AND your adult years. In fact, people can experience acne breakouts all the way to 50 years old, especially considering how many types of acne there are.

  • VI Pro Tip: Identifying which kind of acne you suffer from is a huge help in being able to treat it. Check out our blog post on the different types of acne and educate yourself on what is causing your acne. Understand that acne varies from person to person and has little to do with age.


Acne is caused by not washing your face enough

If you have acne, you have likely heard this suggestion countless times. We get it – some people can use a generic bar of soap and have skin as smooth as a baby’s bottom, but that doesn’t mean everyone with acne has bad hygiene. Actually, washing your face too much can be counter-productive and harmful.

Although it seems like washing away oil makes you less oily, washing too frequently will strip away the natural oils produced by your skin which then causes your body to turn up the oil production. You can end up being oilier if you wash your face more than 2 times a day.

  • VI Pro Tip: Some oil on your face is your friend! Opt to wash it 1-2 times a day. Before bed-time is a must, and in the morning is optional. If extreme oiliness still persists, try a balancing toner to control oil in a healthy way.


Blackheads are caused by dirt in your pores

Did you know that blackheads have NOTHING to do with dirt? They are actually caused by oil hardening in your pores. Skin cell turnover is a natural process that pushes oil out of your pores, and when that turnover doesn’t happen fast enough, pores compile an excess amount of oil and skin debris.

  • VI Pro Tip: We recommend using a Vitamin A product like our VI Derm Ultra A to help exfoliate, increase skin cell turnover and to help keep your pores clean.


Tanning will help clear up Acne

This is the biggest acne myth that has lingered around for generations – probably because there is some merit to it. Sun exposure can reduce inflammation in the body, hide red skin-tone and reduce surface oil, which reduces the appearance of acne for a minimal time. But, too much sun exposure can break down your skin’s collagen, which dries the skin out, increases the appearance of wrinkles and expands pore-size.

Besides, sun damage is no joke and will cause you to age quicker. It is best to stay protected while out in the sunshine.

  • VI Pro Tip: If redness, inflammation, and surface oil are your primary skin concerns, incorporate calming and balancing topical treatments into your skin care regimen. Icing and aloe vera masks are great home remedies for redness and inflammation. For the aloe vera mask, buy the real leaf at a supermarket and scoop out the gel for an ultra-soothing skin treatment. To reduce the appearance of oil and “dry up” acne, incorporate a toner and use salicylic acid, found in VI Derm Complete Cares (Normal to Dry, Oily, Acne Prone) as a spot treatment.


Eating chocolate causes acne

Your grandma that told you this did have good intentions but bad research. There is no strong research that suggests chocolate is in correlation with acne breakouts. In fact, the antioxidant-rich cacao inside chocolate may have beneficial effects on the body.

The real culprit, however, may be the refined sugars and dairy often found inside chocolate. Ingesting these foods may contribute to acne by triggering hormonal changes in the body that upregulate inflammation and sebum-production. So, contrary to popular belief, it’s not the chocolate that necessarily causes acne but it may be the dairy and sugar found inside chocolate.

  • VI Pro Tip: Every person’s body reacts differently to various food groups. Take time and watch out for your body’s reaction, during acne breakouts or in general, to these food groups.  Cutting out refined sugars will likely help diminish acne, however cutting out dairy may help one person and others not at all.


Popping your pimples is good to do after a breakout

Popping pimples and picking at your face is the #1 WORST thing you can do after a breakout! It may seem like you are extracting pus and diminishing the infection but you’re actually causing irritation and inflammation, which breeds more acne. In some cases, popping your pimples may even “pop” the pus in the wrong direction, forcing the pustules to burrow even deeper into your skin.

  • VI Pro Tip: Instead of picking active infections, try icing them! Ice works the same way on a pimple as it does on a sore muscle or physical injury. Icing reduces blood flow to the area and effectively turns down swelling and inflammation. You would be surprised what the body can do to fight off infection when it is placed in the right conditions!
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